CAMPING IN THE RAIN: Our top activities!

Just like any holiday or event we plan, we can hope for good weather. Unfortunately, it is out of our control how it turns out on the day. Here in tropical North Queensland, we expect rain for at least half the year. With all this rain we’re used to finding the silver linings in the clouds. We’re an adaptive bunch and no amount of rain is going to dampen our love of being outdoors. 

If your camping trip is coming up this weekend and the weather reports are predicting rain; here are a few tips to make the most of your holiday.

Create a delicious dish

If you’re one who loves the rain you’ll understand when I say it can stimulate nearly all of our senses.
  1. The sound of the drizzling rain
  2. The sight of greenery and rippling patterns forming on the water
  3. The smell of the wet fragrant earth
  4. The touch of warmth while you snuggle up in a blanket or woolly jumper. 
  5. And now you’ll have the taste of comfort food

Simultaneously stimulating all 5 of your senses is great for improving your mood and general well-being!

 I always recommend creating a delicious platter as your go-to. They’re very easy and the variations are endless. Think cheeses, cured meats, fruits, dips, marinated olives etc. The list is endless but no matter what variation you choose, platters are an instant pleaser especially when entertaining a crowd.

My second recommendation would definitely be a fondue. I suggest this purely because it’s not something you’d usually treat yourself to at home. It’s also very fun and a great hit with the kids too. Of course you have the crowd favourite chocolate fondue but you could also try a savoury cheese fondue. Perfect for those who don’t have a sweet tooth.

Plus we all know things taste better coated in cheese!

Tell spooky stories!

As you may have guessed, this is definitely a suggestion aimed at those camping with kids. Think of all the times the kids wanted to play cubby at home and tell stories behind a flashlight. Well now you have the real deal. Plus the rain will give an added spooky effect!

Play cards or a board game

If you have a pack of cards and board games at home collecting dust; and never get the chance to play them anymore. Here’s your chance! Rainy weather is the perfect weather for indoor games. You’re finally in an environment where no-one is glued to their devices and you can have some bonding time together.

This activity isn’t just for those camping with kids either. If you haven’t played board games in several years you’ll surprise yourself with how much you’ll enjoy it.

For those camping alone or wanting some quiet time, you could try a puzzle book, play solitaire or do some adult colouring.

“Relax and enjoy!”

Play verbal games

This one is for those of you who forgot to bring the board games and card decks. Instead, pass the time with some verbal games. There are many options to choose from: Mad libs, word association games, celebrity heads, never-have-I-ever or the ever popular charades. 

You’re bound to get many laughs and great memories playing these types of games. Once you return to your everyday lives, it’ll be these moments that you’ll look back at fondly. They’ll have you impatient for the next camping trip!

Indulge in reading a book or listenening to an audiobook

If you’re not one for playing board games and cards; then enjoying some peaceful time alone with a good book could be the best thing.

For those of you who’ve been waiting for the right moment, to start that book gathering dust on your shelf; here’s your moment! Immerse yourself in a good read while the peaceful sounds of rain drown out any other background noise. You’ll be in your own little zone and before you know it, hours will have passed by completely undisturbed.

Gather in a tent and watch a movie together

For those of you who simply can’t go anywhere without your electronic devices, then here’s your time to shine.

If you have a portable DVD player, ipad or laptop and you know there’ll be rain during your camp; I recommend downloading some movies or bringing some DVDs to watch. Just make sure you’re not relying on watching movies online, as you won’t always be guaranteed service at your campground. 

The lack of sun and lighting in your tents will help create a cinema-like effect where you can gather on the air mattresses and settle in for a movie . Hopefully someone remembered to pack the popcorn!

Get amongst the rain!

Just because it’s raining doesn’t mean you can’t go outside. As we get older we seem to forget how much fun the rain was when we were kids. Instead, we become too cautious. I love this activity as it allows you to see the world through a child’s eyes once again.

Get some warm clothing, cover your chests, wear gumboots and a poncho to stay dry; then let your inner child lead the way. Walk in the rain, jump in the puddles and just enjoy yourself! After all, camping is all about enjoying the landscape around you, so make the most of it.

If the rain isn’t too heavy and the weather has been warm, you might even enjoy a swim. 

Why the worry, you’re going to get wet anyway right?

 In most cases, you’ll find that being in the water is even warmer than outside. Again, when you jump out, make sure to dry yourselves completely and rug up. We don’t want you catching a cold to spoil the rest of your trip!

Spend the day at a local indoor attraction

Alright, alright. If putting on a poncho and walking through the rain just isn’t your thing, then try this instead. Search up some local indoor attractions nearby to your campground, and save the outdoor activities for a sunny day. For adults ,you could try the local winery or if you have kids try the local museum.

At the end of the day, just because you’re camping it doesn’t mean you have to only stay outdoors. Sometimes you’re visiting a new town with many attractions outside the campground; so get everyone in the car and go explore the town. Just make sure your campsite is secured and completely waterproof before you leave. You don’t want to arrive back at your campsite to find that open window allowed the rain to get inside.

Play some music, have some drinks and enjoy a yarn

This one is basically the number 1 camping activity come rain or shine. Hopefully you’ve already come prepared with a music playlist or instrument to keep the mood high in the campsite. This activity is really all about having good conversation. 

Gather around the table with your beverages of choice and engage in a good ol’ yarn. It might sound basic, but having face-to-face conversations with your friends and family – away from technology – is largely taken for granted these days. 

Now if you’re camping with the kids, the focus will most likely be on the music rather than good conversation. Therefore, allow them the opportunity to play the music for a while. You might just be surprised with a front-row seat to one of their singing / dancing performances. 


Yes that’s a term I made up and yes there’s probably a more accurate term for it; but I’m not a photographer so I’m going with it. We all know there can be some stunning natural sights in the rain. With this activity I’m recommending that you try to capture your own images or footage.

Whether it’s close-ups of water droplets, rainbows on the horizon, running waterfalls, or ripple patterns on the water surface. All of these are stunning to witness, so what better way to keep the memory then taking your own photos. You could frame them at home or put them in the photo album. They’ll always be the perfect reminder of the day you embraced the rain!

Again, I do caution you to please be careful not to get your equipment wet.

So here’s my list of the 10 best camping activities to do while camping the rain. If you have your own recommendations or want to share your own camping experiences; we’d love to see your comments below.
For those of you new to this website, we are Kickback Camping. We provide camping services in Far North Queensland that include all your camping equipment hire plus we set up your entire campsite and pack it down for you. These services are perfect for those travelling without any camping equipment or simply do not want to endure the physical labour of setting up a campsite.

SEE HOW WE CAN GET you camping!

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